Organizations which are independent of government involvement are known as non-governmental organizations or NGOs or non-government organizations.  NGOs are a subgroup of organizations founded by citizens, which include clubs and associations which provide services to its members and others. They are usually nonprofit organizations. Many NGOs are active in humanitarianism or the social sciences.

Care International

CARE works in more than 90 countries, reaching over 50 million people through over 950 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid programs.

Danish Refugee Council

The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons in 40 countries across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfillment of the wish to return home.

Acumen Fund

Neither the markets nor aid alone can solve the problems of poverty. More than two billion people around the world lack access to basic goods and services—from clean water and electricity to an education and the freedom to participate in the economy. We’re here to change that. Our vision is a world based on dignity, where every human being has the same opportunity. Rather than giving philanthropy away, we invest it in companies and change makers.

Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation is the nonprofit that hosts Wikipedia and our other free knowledge projects. We want to make it easier for everyone to share what they know. To do this, we keep Wikipedia and Wikimedia sites fast, reliable, and available to all. We protect the values and policies that allow free knowledge to thrive. We build new features and tools to make it easy to read, edit, and share from the Wikimedia sites. Above all, we support the communities of volunteers around the world who edit, improve, and add knowledge across Wikimedia projects.


We act as a catalyst, creating opportunities for people living in poverty to realise their potential. Join the world’s biggest family. Small is beautiful, scale is necessary.

Foundation for Environmental Education

The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) has made it their mission to educate in order to protect the environment as well as the people who live in it, the communities that depend on it, businesses who profit from it, and the ecosystems that rely on it. With over 73 participating countries, their Education for Sustainable Development and Environment Education programs have been recognised by UNESCO as cutting-edge. It is through these programs that FREE helps communities to realise the benefits of sustainable living through education and active learning.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sees value in all lives and is committed to improving the quality of life for all people, in every part of the world. From the education of students in Chicago, to the health of a young mother in Nigeria, the Gates Foundation is focused on the areas of greatest need and on the ways they can do the most good. The Foundation seeks to solve the complex problems and demands the coordination of leaders, governments, communities, and individuals around the world in order to drive change on a global scale.

Partners in Health

Partners in Health works with local government officials and the world’s leading medical and academic institutions to build capacity and strengthen health systems. By establishing long-term relationships with these agencies, Partners In Health has two main goals: bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them, and to serve as an antidote to despair. Their mission is both medical and moral and is based on solidarity rather than charity alone.

Heifer International

Heifer International aims to eliminate hunger and poverty, by working with communities to strengthen local economies. With a focus on increasing community income and assets, improving food security and nutrition, and addressing environmental sustainability, Heifer envisions that change will be manifested through women’s empowerment and social capital. For over 70 years, Heifer has worked in 125 countries and helped 25 million families overcome poverty.

Cure Violence

The Cure Violence organization is committed to stopping the spread of violence in communities by using the methods and strategies associated with disease control. These methods include detecting and disrupting conflicts, identifying and treating high risk individuals, and changing social norms. The organization has seen community violence decreased by up to 70% by employing such strategies. Operating primarily in the US, Latin America, the Middle East, and North Africa; Cure Violence is ranked as one of the top 20 NGOs in the world by the Global Journal.

Clinton Health Access Initiative

CHAI’s mission is to save lives and reduce the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries around the world. We aim to strengthen the government and private sector to create and sustain high-quality health systems in the countries where we work.


PATH envisions a world where innovation ensures that health is within reach for everyone, especially women and children. As a leader in global health innovation, they work alongside countries in Africa and Asia to tackle their greatest health needs, deliver measureable results, and disrupt the cycle of poor health. For nearly 40 years, PATH has been a pioneer in translating bold ideas into breakthrough health solutions, with a focus on child survival, maternal and reproductive health, and infectious diseases.

Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps has partnered with more than 40 countries to put bold solutions into action in an attempt to help people triumph over adversity in the face of hardship and disaster. They operate under the belief that communities are the best agents for their own change andthat local markets are the best engines of sustainable recovery. Mercy Corps focus on sustainable agriculture, conflict management, disaster preparedness and emergency responses, education, and equity for women and children. The organization was founded in 1979 as Save the Refugees Fund, a task force set up by Dan O’Neill for Cambodian refugees escaping famine, genocide, and war. 

CERES Coalition

Ceres advocates for sustainable business practices and solutions by mobilizing investor and business leadership with the aim to build a healthy global economy. They have 10 key principles, among them is the protection of the biosphere, sustainable use of natural resources, energy conservation, risk reduction, and environmental restoration. Each year, Ceres holds a two day conference in Boston where attendees can learn how various business sectors can adapt to 21st Century sustainability challenges.

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee is a humanitarian aid, relief, and development organization that responds to the worst humanitarian crises. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC works in over 40 countries and 26 US cities, helping people to restore health, safety, education, economic well-being, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. The IRC’s latest strategy, IRC 2020, aims to reduce the number of displaced people, and address their unique and complex needs by rethinking traditional ideas of global humanitarian response.
